Solum Global is a transparent digital network with a fully decentralized, permissionless blockchain protocol that provides a seamless solution for the U.S. healthcare industry integrating artificial intelligence (AI), smart contracts, and Solum Global’s stablecoin (sgUSD) with a proprietary electronic health wallet (EHW).

In 2023, the amount spent within the U.S. healthcare industry was a staggering $4.9 trillion, which was $14,570 per person and 17.6% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), equivalent to 1 out of every 6 dollars spent on the U.S. economy.

Instant Digital Settlement
Provides immediate settlement between insurance providers, physicians and patients.
Transparency &
A fully transparent and secure platform utilizing AI and the blockchain for healthcare analysis and payments.
AI Machine Learning & Modeling
Predictive models based on historical medical data that flag and detect waste, fraud, abuse, and administrative errors.
Cost Savings
A dramatic reduction in costs for patients, physicians, hospitals, government
agencies, and insurance companies (payers).
Revolutionizing Healthcare with the Solum Electronic Health Wallet
The Solum Electronic Health Wallet (EHW) is a next-generation application that seamlessly integrates Electronic Health Records and Revenue Cycle Management with AI-powered data workflows and blockchain technology. This innovation transforms the way medical practitioners and patients interact by streamlining payment processes and securely managing medical history, paving the way for a more efficient and transparent healthcare experience.
AI Engine
Aggregates and analyzes data to identify inefficiencies and fraud.
Smart Contracts
Automates claims adjudication in real-time utilizing blockchain.
Blockchain Payments
Ensures secure, rapid, cost-effective & transparent transactions.
Wallet Integration
The medical interface enables streamlined healthcare interactions for all stakeholders.
Benefits of the Solum Medical Solution
Faster, error-free claims processing.
Significantly lower administrative and transaction costs.
Increased security for all stakeholders.
Identifies + reduces fraud.
$4.9 Trillion U.S. Healthcare Market Provides Massive Opportunity.
In 2023, the amount spent within the U.S. healthcare industry was a staggering $4.9 trillion, which was $14,570 per person and 17.6% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), equivalent to one out of every six dollars spent on the U.S. Economy.
Healthcare professionals, hospitals, senior care providers, and insurance companies recognize significant inefficiencies in the U.S. healthcare system, but stakeholders underestimate their accurate scale. By exposing the full extent of these losses and providing a solution, Solum not only improves profitability for its clients but also contributes to a more efficient and sustainable healthcare system for patients, providers, and payers.

The U.S. Healthcare System is Broken
Unwarranted medical procedures conservatively cost patients and insurance companies 10% of all medical expenditures or approximately $490 billion annually.
$262 +
More than $262 billion in medical claims are denied annually.
Healthcare fraud is estimated at 3% to 10% of all healthcare expenses annually, or $200+billion per year.
It is estimated insurance companies deny more than 10% of all claims.
Billions are wasted on fraud, duplicate claims, incorrect coding, or other procedural errors.
Data breaches with healthcare providers and insurance companies expose sensitive personal information for millions of Americans.
In 2023 alone, 725 data breaches were reported, exposing more than 133 million records.